Chapter 1: Hope Punk — Future Ecologies Podcast

Chapter 1: Hope Punk

In this chapter we meet our first genus of dragons: Artusnoia – the dragons of Limited Cognition.

Among them, the twin dragons of Perceived Behavioural Control, and Perceived Self Efficacy (A. impotens & A. parvoperitia, respectively) are perhaps the greatest challenge to meaningful climate action. Join us as we discover the subtle shifts that can make all the difference.

Visit to learn more about the Dragons of Inaction (including their names, descriptions, and phylogeny).

You can hear all of Scales of Change on its own dedicated podcast feed.

Guests: Robert Gifford, Nicholas de Pencier, and Elin Kelsey

Music: Vincent van Haaff, Loam Zoku, Sunfish Moon Light, IKSRE, Greg Davis, and Wizwars

Other Recordings: roubignolle, juskiddink, cognito perceptu, Rincewind87, soundslikewillem, RTB45, tonant, listeningtowhales, EpicWizard, Martin.Sadoux, artesmediales, brunoboselli, The Obama White House, PlanetroniK

Citations: altfuture, sinewave1kHz, Alterr, unfa, SpliceSound, ALLANZ10D, Sandermotions, Zihris, unreadpages, Kinoton, AryaNotStark

Baichwal, J., Burtynsky, E., & De Pencier, N. (Directors). (2018). Anthropocene: The Human Epoch. Canada: Mercury Films. Retrieved from

Cinner, J., et al. (2018). Gravity of human impacts mediates coral reef conservation gains. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(27). doi:10.1073/pnas.1708001115

Hofstadter, D. R. (1987). Goedel, Escher, Bach: An eternal golden braid. Harmondsworth (Mddx.): Penguin. (for our rushed interpretation of Zeno’s Paradox)

Hull, A. (2019, December 09). Hopepunk and Solarpunk: On Climate Narratives That Go Beyond the Apocalypse. Literary Hub.

Kelsey, E. (2016, June 08). The Rise of Ocean Optimism. Smithsonian Magazine.

Ma, M. (2016, June 15). 'Bright spots' shine light on the future of coral reefs. University of Washington News.

Morton, T. (2019). Being Ecological. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Watts, J. (2018, October 8). We have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe, warns UN. The Guardian.