The Titan Arum
If you've already listened to FE3.6, you heard just a taste of some recordings we made almost 3 years ago – at the blooming of the Titan Arum (Amorphophallus titanum) at the Bloedel Conservatory
Seaweed Sojourning 2: A Nori Story
Cloudberries on Haida Gwaii
[UNLOCKED] Seaweed Sojourning 1: Light and Colour
Meet Your Fungal Associates 8: Polypores
MYFA 7: Truffles or Truffling?
Truffles, famous for their aphrodisiac effects, are one of the world’s most expensive foods. Their tantalizing flavours have recruited an entire industry of truffle hunters, obsessed with recovering these subterranean morsels. In this episode, we take the truffles perspective as we wonder why they yearn to be unearthed.
MYFA 6: The Sex Life of Mushrooms
Sex is the raison d’être for many of life’s strange contortions, and fungi are no exception. The visible mushroom exists solely as a sexual organ: disseminating the spores of the next generation. But that’s only the beginning of the weird world of mushroom courtship. Join us in the nitty gritty, and reflect on what mushrooms can teach us about the nature of sex and gender.